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Guest Speaker - via Zoom
Caitlin Jans (née Thomson)
Tuesday September 17, 7 PM
Breaking Through Publishing Blocks in the Literary World
Caitlin Jans has an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. She is the co-founder of Authors Publish and The Poetry Marathon. Her work has appeared in numerous anthologies and literary journals including: The Literary Review of Canada, The Fiddlehead, Eleven, Eleven, The Adroit Journal, and Killer Verse. Her prose and poetry has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize, BILiNE, The Best Small Fictions Anthology, and The Best of the Net. You can learn more at www.caitlinthomson.com.
In-person Workshop
Neil Saravanamutto
Monday September 23, 5:30 PM
Is it Time to Start a Substack
For writers looking for an audience, Substack is probably the first platform that gets it. Substack makes three things really easy. Publishing. Monetization. Outreach. It lets writers focus on writing. Neil Saravanamuttoo is an Ottawa community organizer and former G20 chief economist for infrastructure with over 7,000 Substack subscribers. Learn what Neil has figured out about finding an audience and engaging with them through Substack.
In-person Event
Movie Night
Saturday October 5, 5 PM
Free Trip to Egypt
We're thrilled to host Tariq Mounib, the visionary creator behind "Free Trip to Egypt," a profoundly touching documentary that transcends boundaries and bridges gaps.
As writers, we know all too well how ideas can simmer; learn from Tariq how to nurture these sparks into flames.
Join the OIW community for an extraordinary evening of film and inspiration.
Guest Speaker-via Zoom
Barbara Leimsner
Tuesday October 15, 7 PM
10 Things I Learnt on my Memoir Journey
Barbara Leimsner's memoir, 'Quitting the Master Race: A Daughter's Journey to Break the Bonds of Hate', was six years in the making and was independently published by Friesen Press in September 2023. She will talk both about what she learned during the writing, editing, revision and publishing process, and about the advantages, drawbacks--and the joys!--of marketing an independently published book. Her book is a finalist in the juried Whistler Independent Writing Awards.